How To Amplify Inclusion Podcast
Meet Kimberley Lewis Parsons & Shea O’Neil Adelson: creators of the Inclusive Teaming framework, which positions inclusion as a master habit that's intentional and actively managed in a team.
Recently, Kimberley & Shea joined The Opposite of Small Talk podcast to discuss how to amplify inclusion in the workplace with hosts Kristy Olinger and Danielle McCombs.
Inclusive Teaming was created when Kimberley asked herself,
”How do I bring inclusion into the conversations of the teams that I work with, with the organizations that I work with, and not just for the sake of awareness, but moving beyond awareness to action.”
Curious about ‘making it actionable,’ Shea contributes,
“Writing the article and developing this body of work has really been its own form of healing because it's been like putting our stake in the ground."
Inclusive teaming guides teams to consider:
What do we need to believe?
What do we believe? and
What do we need to shift to?
The power in the work is in identifying where to shift and enhancing effectiveness through more cohesion, more psychological safety, and more productivity in results.
Kimberley quips,
“There are probably hundreds, if not thousands of patterns that could detract from inclusion or amplify inclusion, but we started with five.”
DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE: Five Patterns that Can Detract, and Amplify, Inclusive Teaming