Meet Shea of Inclusive Teaming

Meet Shea O’Neil Adelson: Team Coach, Leadership Coach, Change Consultant, and Author

Inclusive Teaming was born from the understanding that lasting organizational change happens at the team level, so Shea & Kimberley Lewis Parsons set out to create a framework that would set the conditions for inclusion for anyone in the room.

Shea noticed many of her clients having trouble retaining diverse employees because, although they had sufficiently focused on diversity, they neglected fostering a sense of inclusion.

Considering her motivation for launching the initiative, Shea explains,

"I got very curious about Kimberley's idea about making it actionable, which gave the energy of my frustration and of my fear and of my anger, frankly, at the system and in the structures, a place to go.”

Inclusive Teaming is not defined by a team with differences, but by a team that is in the habit of inclusion through active and productive management of those differences. Inclusive Teaming behaviors can be obtained by observing and measuring behavioral patterns, making it possible and accessible for every team to develop the master habit of inclusion.

Download the article: Five Patterns that Can Detract, and Amplify, Inclusive Teaming

Shea expands on what she hopes to achieve through offering the Inclusive Teaming model:

“My greatest hope for the work is to be able to bring forth the ideals of a world that works for everyone and that allows for freedom, creativity, innovation, satisfaction, joy, a sense of safety at the foundation, and (of course) belonging.”

DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE: Five Patterns that Can Detract, and Amplify, Inclusive Teaming

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Harvard Business Review Publishes ‘Make Inclusive Behaviors Habitual on Your Team’


Meet Kimberley of Inclusive Teaming